My Story

A collection of past experiences led me along my life path to become a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. In 1987, I began my career as a young Earth Scientist, mapping geographical and geological features around the planet. This work inspired me to teach indigenous peoples how to manage and map their own natural resources. For seven years, I worked in the Amazon jungles of Brazil, mapping vegetation types and identifying the effects of deforestation on the land. But I found it hard to stop there. By the mid-1990s I was mapping natural resource boundaries for several American Indian tribes in Northern California.
In early 2010, my path suddenly shifted as I stood on the frozen tundra in Siberia alongside fellow scientists from Russia and a Siberian Shaman. I had been mapping cultural sites when the Russian government sought to drill for oil on those same pristine lands. In a single moment, standing at the mouth of two rivers, I finally understood my true calling and discovered my place in this world.
In May, I returned home and immediately enrolled in a graduate Master's Program in Psychology at the California Institute for Integral Studies. The death of a dear friend that summer also led me to work with Gerald Jampolsky, M.D., founder of the Center for Attitudinal Healing in Marin County. There, I processed my own deep grief and began to lead others in grief workshops. In December 2012, I graduated with my degree.
Since that day, I have dedicated my life to helping others understand their pain and suffering. Today, after raising my two boys along with my husband and finding peace in the natural beauty surrounding my home in Northern California, I feel honored to guide people through the work of therapy. The deep and open-ended questions my clients bring to me are what make my work feel soulful. I love this work, and I feel humbled when I sit with anyone who has the courage to share their stories and allow me to participate in their own journey toward healing.